Sire: JASPER vom Bruchsee                                      Dam: ÉCLAIR Grand Amity

      D.O.B.. 15.11.2011
Litter is Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) free by parents


Name Sex Studbook Results
HANK male 84325  
HAWKEYE male 84326 very good
HEATCLIFF male 84327 BhFK95 (70)
HUNTER male 84328  
HAIDA female 84329 11x Excellent, 2x very promising 1, BIS puppy Bitch, Regional winner, CAJC CZ, CAJC SK, res. CAC SK, 2x res. CAC CZ / Sp. (100) (Austria), ZV (173), BZ (120), LZ (238), BZH (234), HZ (196), ZN (84), BL 2x I.H. (64/64), BhFK France (87) , BhFK Polland (100), r. CACT, CACT, 2x CACT -HU, Rinya Kupa 2nd place, BhFK HU I.c. (100), SH -HU I.c. (100), Wa.-T (32) , KFSDJ III.c. (84), KSDJ II.c. (174), MSBLJ I.D/I.V (90/100), MSBL I.V / III.H. (100/70) - breeding licence
HÉRA female 84330  

(More informations at dog's personal pages - click at name in a table)

Lot of pictures of puppies from last 14 days:

Haida with Hunter

Hunter Grand Amity

Haida Grand Amity


first time outside

Haida (2x), Héra and Hank Grand Amity. Héra and Hank travelled to their new homes to Slovakia, Haida probably stays with her familly. 

A little bit of snow, first this year! :-)


HAIDA Grand Amity                                     HÉRA Grand Amity

HANK Grand Amity                                            HAWKEYE Grand Amity

HEATCLIFF Grand Amity                                 HUNTER Grand Amity

7 weeks


5 weeks

1 month.


girls                                                                                  boys                      


Ich, IACh. JASPER vom Bruchsee
Interchampion C.I.B., Jch Germany, Champ.VDH, CWC working Interchamp. , Gebrauchssieger, 4x CACT HUN, Norník, Sp/J, St/J, Vp/J, SchwhK/40, SchwhK, SchwhN, StiJ, BhFN, BhDN, Wa.-T
IAch. GROLL vom Bruchsee
res. CACIB, GS, IAch., Norník, Sp/J, SchwhK/J, SchwhK/40, MRV, SfK, NHFK/F, SchwhN..
IACh. HIEROS Des Horles DeLa Vieille Voye
ICh., IACh, F-Ach., Ch. D, F
IACh. Suddebok MALIK
IACh.DIANA Des Horles DeLa
Vieille Voye
ASSI vom Dorfwäldchen
Gebrauchssieger, V
HAMLET vom Wilden Eber
Esther-Rose vom Mohnickesteig
BASRA von der Hohen Kiefer
exc.., GS, Sp, SchwhK, SchwhN, Vp, BhFN, BhDN, StiJ, konk. norowców...
NERO vom Ahlsensee
Landessieger, Ch. D, GS
IACh., ICh. JOSTER vom Käuzchenwald
GS ERLE von der Walme
EIKA vom Schnepfenstein
Exc., Sp, SchwhK, BhFK
LUMPI vom Rosengrund
LONI vom Brunnenhof
Ch. ÉCLAIR Grand Amity
Champion CZ, SK, Jun.champ. CZ, SK, CRO, WUT, CACIB, 3x r. CACIB, 2x BOB, J/BOB, III. BIG, II. BIG...
ZV I.c., BZ I.c., 2x LZ I.c., Pohár SČ pob. I.c., r. CACT, ZN (84), hlas. 4,4,4,4
Ich. Suddebok VORONOFF
Ich.,  Ch. VDH, DTK , Belg., FR, CZ, SK, KV Belg., FR., RAK.,  2x LS, 2x BS, 2x BIS, 9x BIG         
SP/J I.p.Schwh,KMRV II.c. BhFK
GS. CARLOS vom Roggenhof
výborný, gebrauchsiegger
GS.HASSO vom Hausteter Brok
MERLE vom Passmoor
IaCh.JURASSIC Des Horles DeLa Vieille Voye IACh. Suddebok MALIK
IACh.DIANA Des Horles DeLa
Vieille Voye
IAh. ARMA od Baraního dolu
2x BOB, Ch. CZ, PL, SK, SLO, WUT, 2x Nejl. fena, 3x r. CACIB, CAC VDH, CAC HUN, CAC LT
Iach., norník, "U", ZV I.c., LZ I.c., HZ I.c, BZH I.c., BZ I.c.,ZN (84).  MRK III.c., MSBL I.D, V.(72)
4x CACIT, 2x CACT (H), Wa/T
Ich. MARTY z Kozíčku
Ich, výborný, norník, diviačiar
IRK della Porta di Pietra
GAJA z Hetmanskiej stanicy
DINA z Ondřejnických lesů
VD, r. CACT, ZV I.c., BZ I.c.
LZ I.c., ZN
AMOR z Chotára
ZORA od Řeky Lomnice