News and events at 2006



Another news from Russia
DAYVA SHEGODAY Grand Amity  attended four shows last weekends  25.11. obtained  "Excellent" and at regional Dachshund show won  Exc. 1, Best junior and BOB. 3.12. at Russian all dog breeds "Kinologija zima" Exc. 1, CW, JCAC, Best junior and BOB and at regional Dachshund show won Exc. 1 , CW, Best junior and BOB. Thanks and congratulation to her owner and also to her handler Ms Elena Taran.

Viki's daughter Patty z Kozíčku - passed international St. trial (KHS) in II. price and finished 6th. This weekend she attended international dog show in Kassel (D) with result Exc. 1., CAC DTK, CAC VDH, CACIB, BOB and BOG.

Patty's sister, Polly z Kozíčku will be soon mated with BRED Magic Seven. Last weekend was also mated BORÓKA Grand Amity with Ich. GLENNY Cheiron Bohemia. We keep fingers crossed for succesfull mating.

And new "autumn" pictures at picturenews



For dachshund's fans I have added picture gallery of wirehaired and smoothaired dachshunds from World dog show Poznan.


Good news from Russia:
DAYVA SHEGODAY Grand Amity  attended Regional dachshund show NKP with result Excellent I., CW, BOB, BISJ-I., BIS-I., and Regional all breeds show - Excellent I., CW, JCAC, BOB, BIG-I., BIS-IV. She also obtained IIIrd. place at Show of the best representants of hunting breeds. 


At dachshund club show in Prague this weekend:
DANNY z Havlínského vrchu won veteran class and became third best veteran of the show, PRIMA Rösler was second in veteran class from 4 competitors.
First time in young class was presented bitches DIANA and DAISY Grand Amity - Diana was "very good 4" between 9 competitors and  Daisy "very good".

Daisy meets Diana after 8 month.

Viky's daughters was succesfull - Patty z Kozíčku won winner class and obtained another CAC, Pegi z Kozíčku finished second in working class - res. CAC.

Pictures from dachshund club show at fotonews.


Arma's offsprings CAL Grand Amity  and CASSI Grand Amity passed trials:   Cal passed  HZ (equal to St) at price with 100% points and best blood track and St. Cassi LZ (equal to Vp), BZ (equal to SchwhK) and BZH (equal to SchwhN) - all at Ist price. 



Lot of news happend during last two weeks:
BORÓKA Grand Amity - obtained CAC, CACIB, BOB and twice reserve BOG at Gradiška and CAC with CACIB again at Novi Sad. It menas she is International champion of beauty now!
We are very happy with Viki's daughter too. Patty z Kozíčku won two CACT titles in last two weeks - at Club SchwhK and at "Forrest Cup".   Pegi z Kozíčku passed Club SchwhK too, at 3rd price. Last "girl" Poly, after she came to her new owner passed BhFK without problems, at Frydek Mistek she won the trial with maximum points and became stud bitch too.
ARMA finished this year's season at International dog show Maribor, where she finnished excellent 2nd, got res. CAC from Irish judge (behind Mr. Palladini's bitch).
DANCY Grand Amity wisited us. Few pictures you can see at  fotonews.



BORÓKA Grand Amity strikes again! - at hunting dog show Koroske (Slovenia) obtained titles Exc. 1, CAC, BOB and BOG. Second in group IV. was Kobbedus Ykem - congratulations to Rita and Caroline! 

CAL Grand Amity  passed LZ trial (Vp) at Ist price, 239 points.

And we recieved picture from Finland  - six month old Keski-Maan FIRITH, Banjo Grand Amity's daughter. Banjo herself passed two blood track competition with result VOI2 (in second price), With these results Banjo is going to get in next Special Breed Book (which are given out with 5-7 years together), where are the dachshunds, who have high competition results.



Pictures of Arma from multiple trial and BhFK trial, and also few new pictures of Diana you can find at  picturenews.

Pictures from vacation at Jizerske hory you can find here.


ARMA  finished this year's trials with excellent work on fox at Slovakia Club den trial. In both rounds grabs the fox (head at 1:36 min, throat at 6:34 min) and obtained title CACIT (third this year).

We was also happy about Viki's daughters,  Pegi z Kozíčku  at F. Vysloužil memorial (den trial) got price andd title "norník" (den specialist),  Patty z Kozíčku in Austria - international dog show Insbruck obtained CACIb and became Interchampion. 


After short vacation at Jizerské Hory (pictures will be added as soon as possible)  ARMA works again. At Rudolf Kristl Memorial - all-round dachshund trial (here you can see rules and disciplines in German language) finished at 3rd prize and obtained title "U" - universal (all - round) dog.

BORÓKA Grand Amity  at special hunting dog show at Kaposvár (Hungary) obtained title res. CAC behind European winner Cyberdachs Alice Wonder.


Whole last week we spent working in Hungary (Komló) and Serbia (Bečej). At Komló passed bitches ARMA od Baraního dolu and BORÓKA Grand Amity water test with maximum points (32). There was two international fox den trials in Serbia - BORÓKA Grand Amity finished with 2nd prize (85 points),  ARMA od Baraního dolu obtained on both trials CACIT title (on Hungarian trial she spring the fox at 8 minute, on Serbian she grabs in 0,38 min.) she fulfilled conditions fot title  INTERNATIONAL WORKING CHAMPION!!!!

Few pictures from Komló and Bečej you  can find here

ARMA  also obtained confirmation diploma for Polish beauty champion today.


Arma's daugter CURLY Grand Amity give birth to five puppies today (3 males, 2 females). Sire is DAK z Mikulákova dvora.




Few new pictures of Boróka in picturenews.


 ARMA od Baraního dolu passed LZ trial (equal to Vp) I st. prize, 241 points



We had visitors: Arma's daughter DIANA Grand Amity and her owners came to our house.


BORÓKA Grand Amity attend world winner dachshund show WUT in Bologna, Italy with result Excellent III. 
DANNY z Havlínského vrchu  obtained title Czech veteran champion.

Few new pictures of bitch from litter "D" at picturenews.


BORÓKA Grand Amity continues! At international dog show Portorož won titles CAC, res. CACIB and become Champion of Slovenia.
14 years old veteran SAM z Havlínského vrchu said "Good bye" to show rings with title BIS veteran at regional show Kunratice.



         Just some new pictures at photonews.


Danny z Havlínského vrchu 's son is stud dog in Germany -   GS ZAP Eben-Ezer. His picture you can find at Detches teckel club magazine "Der Dachshund" no. 6/2006.


Vety succesfull weekend on shows: BORÓKA Grand Amity at international dog shows in Novigrad and Prijedor  collected titles again. She was excellent I. twice, 2x CAC, 2x CACIB, 2x BOB a 2x III. BOG.
DANNY z Havlínského vrchu won at International dog show Nitra (Slovakia) BIS veteran title, his son Dante z Vavřinečské hájovny was judged as Excellent II. and Excellent I. at Slovakia and Polland,  ARMA od Baraního dolu held another CWC in Poland. Our small show-tour completed welsh springer spaniel Sam (Christ z Chotuckých alejí) - owners Mr. and Mrs. Zlouže, who started his show career with recieving title CAJC. And Viki's daughter Patty z Kozíčku carried out of Slovakia titles 2x CAC, CACIB, BOB.
               Arma Danny - BIS veteran NitracanisDanny se synem Dantemwelsh spriger spaniel SAM

CURLY Grand Amity  passed BhFK test with 100% points (84) and fulfilled conditions for obtaining breeding licence. All offsprings from Arma's first litter now have breeding licences!!!



PATTY z Kozíčku won Czech dachshund club Working Cup 2005!! She became not only best smoothaired dachshund, but at trials she collected highest rate of points from all dachshund varietes. In history of working cup - first time is smoothaired standard dachshund total winner!  Congratulations to Patty's leader Denisa Johanova and we wish to both of them lot of succeses in this year's season on trials.

 DAYVA SHEGODAY Grand Amity won puppy class at her first show and became reserve BIS puppy!
Few Dayva's pictures at picture news


BORÓKA Grand Amity passed two working tests: retrieving duck from water with 100% points and work on wild boar in 3rd prize. She also have her eyes screened for hereditary diseases with result PRA/Cataract negative.

CAL Grand Amity and CASSI Grand Amity absolved regional dog show at Plasy, both was "very good" in very unconfortable, rainy weather. They also succesfully passed breeding selection tests and both obtained breeding licence.

At another regional dog show - Kacina was presented our 14 years old veteran  SAM z Havlínského vrchu and became excellent I., best veteran.


ARMA od Baraního dolu  was showed too, she won  fourth CWC title in Poland and became Polish champion.

And in addition, some new pictures at photonews.


CAL Grand Amity and CASSI Grand Amity both passed Sp. trial with 100% points. Danny's  son ZAP Eben Ezer obtained title "Gebrauchsieger" in Germany.


 BORÓKA Grand Amity collected titles again, at this time at Zadar - Croatia. One day she obtained Exc. I., CAC, res. CACIB, second day exc. II., res. CAC and fulfilled conditions for winning Croatian champion - third show champion title for her!  Good result made Danny's sohn ZAK Eben Ezer, who obtained res. CACIB on international dog show in Prague


We have started new show-season  - at international show Česke Budějovice represented our kennel Arma's daughter CASSI Grand Amity and obtained title res. CAC. Arma went to Tata - Hungary and carried back title CAC (HUN)  

Few pictures from both shows are at picture news.

 Arma and her friend Ch. Crys z Chotuckých alejí (owner V. Prochazka)


Sire of our last litter - Suddebok VORONOFF btained in France this weekend titles:  Exc. I., CAC, BOB a BOG and became French champion.


BANJO Grand Amity and her puppies as five years old in picturenews.




Few new pictures of DANCY Grand Amity.

 BORÓKAGrand Amity was succesfull at the shows: won twice title CAC in Kanjize and Belegradu and finished Serbian champion. At Wieselburg - Austria obtained titles Exc. I., CACA, res. CACIB.


New pictures of Diana Grand Amity during waking up in the morning at picturenews.


New pictures of Diana Grand Amity at picturenews.


Another snow came instead spring weather. Our dachshund was very happy with it.  New "snowy" pictures at picturenews.


  Arma's puppies sire,  Ich. Suddebok VORONOFF has his own pages


 BORÓKA Grand Amity started succesfully this year's season - at two days international dog show in Zagreb - Croatia obtained twice V I., CAC and became best hunting dog of the show.

Meanwhile, Boroka's sister - BANJO Grand Amity gave birth to litter in kennel Keski-Maan by Ch. Keski Maan HALTIA 1 male and 3 females, all red. 




 New pictures of  Arma's puppies, who went to their new homes these days.

At special dachshund show in Holysov was presented smooth  PATTY z Kozíčku and ZAK Eben Ezer - both obtained CAC title.


Voronoff' s great result again: at international dog show - Brno obtained titles CAC, CACIB, BOB, reserve BOG. PATTY z Kozíčku at the same show  CAC, res. CACIB. Both fulfilled conditions for czech champion. Zak Eben Ezer obtained CAC, CACIB.

Another pictures of  Arma's puppies, at this time last two girls. Puppies. Viz little Dayva at the Moscow's airport.


 New pictures of  Arma's puppies, first time outside in the snow.




 New pictures of  Arma's puppies.

Sire of our puppies -  Ich. Suddebok VORONOFF obtained at Int. dog show Trenčín-Slovakia titles CAC, CACIB and became Slovak champion.



New pictures of  Arma's puppies.




 Added few pictures of CURLY and BORÓKA at dog show in fotonews



CURLY Grand Amity obtained at Natonal dog show - Olomouc "very good 1" 

Puppies from litter "D" obtained tatoo numbers from studbook.



ARMA od Baraního dolu  became Champion WUT.



 New pictures of Arma's puppies.